Today is my birthday and I just wish my new foster parents would come to the shelter to take me home

Today is my birthday and I just wish my new foster parents would come to the shelter to take me home

Coca wasn’t sure how long he’d been here. Days blurred into a monotonous rhythm of kennel cleaning, meal times, and the hopeful patter of footsteps that always ended in disappointment. The shelter was a world of echoes, the clink of metal bowls, and the occasional bark of a kennel mate. But for Coca, it was a solitary confinement of the heart.

Today, though, felt different. A tingling sensation of anticipation coursed through him. The shelter workers had been unusually cheerful, their voices filled with a brightness he hadn’t heard in a long time. There was a cake in the common area, a simple thing, but it smelled of promise. And then there was the card, with its colorful paw prints and the words “Happy Birthday, Coca!” scrawled in bold letters.

Coca had no idea how they knew it was his birthday. He’d been a stray when they found him, a shivering bundle of fur with no collar or tag. But the gesture warmed his heart in a way nothing else had. It was as if the world, or at least this small corner of it, remembered him.

As the day wore on, his excitement grew. He paced his kennel, his tail thumping against the metal bars. Every sound made him prick up his ears. Was that a car? Were they coming? His heart pounded in his chest.

Then, it happened. The familiar sound of keys jingling echoed down the corridor. Footsteps approached his kennel. His heart leaped. The door swung open, and there they were, a young couple with kind eyes and a gentle aura. They knelt, offering him treats and soft words. As their hands reached out to stroke his fur, Coca felt a wave of relief and joy wash over him.

Today was more than just his birthday; it was the start of a new chapter. As he stepped out of the kennel and into their arms, he felt a warmth he hadn’t experienced in a long time. The world outside the shelter was waiting, and Coca, with his tail wagging furiously, was ready to explore it.
