I cried because my fate was not happy, I wished people were always good to us.

I cried because my fate was not happy, I wished people were always good to us.

Title: **A Wish for Kindness**

I cried because my fate was not happy. I wished people were always good to us. My name is Luna, a small, scrappy puppy with a heart full of hope despite the hardships I’ve faced. Life hasn’t been easy, but I still dream of a world where kindness reigns.

Today is a cold, gray day, much like the ones before it. I wander through the busy streets, my fur matted and dirty, my belly empty. People rush past me, their eyes fixed ahead, not noticing the little puppy struggling to keep up. I’ve learned to navigate the streets carefully, avoiding the dangers that lurk around every corner.

This morning, as I huddled in an alleyway to escape the biting wind, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sadness wash over me. My fate seemed so cruel, and the weight of loneliness pressed heavily on my small shoulders. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I let out a quiet whimper. I wished, with all my heart, that people were always good to us, that kindness was the rule, not the exception.

As the day dragged on, I roamed the city, searching for scraps of food and a warm place to rest. My journey led me to a bustling market. The smells of fresh bread and cooked meats made my stomach growl louder. I timidly approached a food stall, my eyes pleading for just a morsel.

The vendor noticed me and frowned. “Shoo, little mutt,” he said, waving his hand to chase me away. My heart sank, and I backed away, my tail between my legs. Despair was setting in when a gentle voice called out.

“Wait,” a young boy said, stepping forward. He had kind eyes and a warm smile. “Don’t scare her away.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a small sandwich, kneeling down to offer it to me. I hesitated at first, but the boy’s kindness was undeniable. I inched closer and took the sandwich from his hand, devouring it gratefully.

“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” the boy said, petting my head gently. His touch was comforting, and I leaned into it, savoring the rare moment of affection.

The boy’s mother joined us, her expression softening as she saw me. “Poor thing,” she said. “She looks so sad and hungry.”

“We can help her, can’t we, Mom?” the boy asked, looking up at her with hopeful eyes.

The mother smiled and nodded. “Yes, we can.” She knelt down beside me, her hands gentle as she checked me over. “Let’s take her home and give her a warm bath and a good meal.”

My heart leaped with joy. Could this really be happening? As they scooped me up and carried me to their home, I felt a glimmer of hope reignite within me. Their kindness was like a warm blanket, wrapping around me and chasing away the cold.

At their home, I was given a bath, a soft bed, and the best meal I had ever had. The boy and his mother showered me with love and care, their kindness shining brightly in a world that had often been so harsh.

That night, as I lay in my new bed, I thought about my wish. People weren’t always good, but there were those who were, and their kindness made all the difference. My fate had taken a turn for the better because of a few compassionate hearts.

I closed my eyes, feeling safe and loved for the first time in a long while. My wish wasn’t entirely in vain. There was goodness in the world, and it had found its way to me.
