Today is my birthday, I know I’m not beautiful but I still want to receive wishes

Today is my birthday, I know I’m not beautiful but I still want to receive wishes

Lucky didn’t know when his birthday was. He didn’t even know if he had a name before “Lucky” was slapped on him by the kind folks at the animal shelter. All he knew was that he’d been living on the streets for as long as he could remember. He’d scavenge for food, find shelter under abandoned cars, and dodge the occasional cruel kick. Birthdays, with their cakes and presents, were for other dogs – dogs with homes, with families.

But today felt different. Maybe it was the extra-bright sun, or the way the wind seemed to whisper something hopeful. Or perhaps it was just his imagination, sharpened by hunger and loneliness. Whatever it was, Lucky couldn’t shake the feeling that this day was special.

He spent the morning exploring a new part of the city, hoping to find something more than scraps. His ribs were visible beneath his thin coat, a constant reminder of his harsh existence. Despite his hunger, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something extraordinary was about to happen.

As the day wore on, Lucky found a quiet spot under a large oak tree. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander. He imagined a warm home, a soft bed, and someone to scratch behind his ears. He imagined children laughing and playing with him, their hands gentle and their voices filled with love.

He made a wish. Just one. To have a home. A place where he wouldn’t be afraid, where he would be loved and cared for. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, Lucky opened his eyes. Reality was harsh, but hope, like a stubborn weed, refused to die.

Maybe tomorrow would be different. Maybe his wish would come true. For now, he would continue to survive, to dream, and to hope. After all, even a stray dog deserves to believe in something.
