I had to celebrate my 1st birthday at an abandoned construction site and have not received any wishes

I had to celebrate my 1st birthday at an abandoned construction site and have not received any wishes

Lucki was a puppy who had never known the warmth of a home. He was born and raised on the harsh streets, his world a concrete jungle filled with indifferent noise and fleeting scraps. Today, however, felt different. It was his first birthday, or so he guessed. A tiny spark of hope ignited within his heart, a flicker against the cold backdrop of his existence.

He spent his days exploring the abandoned construction site that had become his sanctuary. The skeletal remains of buildings were his playground, the empty spaces his refuge. He’d scavenge for scraps, his tiny body growing accustomed to the irregular meals. There were no birthday cakes, no playful pups to share his joy. Just him, the wind, and the echoes of his lonely barks.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the desolate landscape, Lucki found a quiet corner amidst the rubble. He curled up, his small body trembling against the cold concrete. He dreamed of a warm home, a soft bed, and the gentle hands of a loving owner. He imagined children laughing and playing with him, their eyes filled with adoration.

When he woke, the harsh reality of his life hit him. He was alone, hungry, and cold. But the dream of a better life fueled a flicker of hope within him. He would survive, he would endure, and one day, maybe, just maybe, his luck would change. Until then, he would celebrate his birthday in the only way he knew how: with courage, resilience, and the unwavering hope for a better tomorrow.
