Today is my birthday, but I still haven’t received any congratulations

Today is my birthday, but I still haven’t received any congratulations

Cookie was a name filled with warmth and sweetness, a name that should have brought joy. But for the small, brown puppy, it was a cruel irony. Today, the day he was supposed to celebrate another year of life, was the day his world crumbled.

He remembered the morning with a heartbreaking clarity. Sunlight streamed through the kitchen window, casting dancing shadows on the floor. The usual morning rituals were underway: the rhythmic clinking of dishes, the soft rustle of newspapers, and the comforting scent of coffee. He had bounced with anticipation, his tail a blur of excitement. He was turning one, a milestone in his short life.

Then, the unthinkable happened. A cardboard box appeared, its stark emptiness a stark contrast to the life he knew. With a heavy heart, his owner placed him inside, a lump forming in her throat. The door creaked shut, and silence enveloped him. The world outside was filled with the promise of a new day, while his was plunging into darkness.

Abandoned on his birthday, Cookie found himself on the unforgiving streets. The once familiar world was now a labyrinth of fear and uncertainty. Hunger gnawed at his belly, the cold seeped into his bones. The world, once filled with the sound of laughter and the warmth of a loving hand, was now a cacophony of indifference.

As the day wore on, the initial shock gave way to a profound sadness. He missed the soft cushion of his bed, the taste of warm milk, and the comforting presence of his human. The world, once filled with the promise of a new day, now seemed bleak and unforgiving. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remained. A hope that one day, someone would see the lost puppy with the soulful eyes and offer him a second chance at a happy life.
