Today is our birthday and we miss our parents so much

Today is our birthday and we miss our parents so much

The city was a vast, noisy jungle to two tiny puppies, Max and Molly. They had been abandoned on their birthday, a cruel twist of fate that left them shivering and alone on the cold, unforgiving streets. They missed their parents terribly, their little hearts aching with longing.

Max, the braver of the two, tried to keep Molly’s spirits up. He would sniff out scraps of food, share them with his sister, and bark at any approaching danger. Molly, on the other hand, was more timid, her eyes often filled with tears as she missed the warmth of her mother’s fur and the comforting rumble of her father’s purrs.

One day, as they wandered through a bustling market, Max caught a whiff of something delicious. He pulled Molly along, his nose leading them to a stall overflowing with colorful treats. A kind-hearted vendor, seeing the puppies’ forlorn eyes, offered them a taste of her sweet cakes.

Molly’s eyes lit up as she took a bite. The sweetness melted on her tongue, a fleeting moment of joy amidst their hardship. Max, too, relished the treat, but his mind was always on the lookout for danger.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, the puppies huddled together for warmth. They sang a mournful song, a melody of whimpers and barks that echoed their longing for their parents.
