Today is my birthday but I know I’m not beautiful so I haven’t received any birthday wishes yet

Today is my birthday but I know I’m not beautiful so I haven’t received any birthday wishes yet

Luci was a stray with an extraordinary belief. He firmly believed today was his birthday. Every year, on this same day, a spark of hope ignited within him, a flicker of expectation that perhaps, just perhaps, the world would remember. He’d seen humans celebrate with cake and presents, and he wanted a piece of that joy.

With his tail wagging like a propeller, Luci set off on his quest. The city was a bustling, indifferent beast, oblivious to his special day. Cars honked, people rushed, and dogs barked, their lives a whirlwind of urgency that left no room for a stray dog’s birthday.

He approached a group of children playing hopscotch, his eyes pleading. They giggled and ran away, their laughter a sharp contrast to his longing. A woman walking her poodle ignored his hopeful glances, her precious pet the only creature worthy of attention in her world. Even the pigeons, those seasoned city dwellers, cooed indifferently, their eyes fixed on crumbs rather than canine celebrations.

Disappointment gnawed at Luci’s heart. Every rejection was a tiny puncture to his balloon of hope. Yet, he persisted. He sat by a bus stop, his head tilted, as if listening for a magical birthday announcement. He stood outside a bakery, his nose twitching at the promise of sweet smells, dreaming of a discarded pastry.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, Luci found himself alone in a deserted park. The once vibrant playground was now a kingdom of silence, a perfect setting for his solitary celebration. He trotted around, barking enthusiastically, as if a cheering crowd was invisible beside him.

Exhausted but undeterred, he curled up on a park bench, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. As sleep claimed him, a small, stubborn hope lingered. Maybe tomorrow would be different. Maybe tomorrow, the world would remember Luci and wish him a happy birthday. Until then, he had the company of his dreams, where he was a beloved pet, showered with affection and treats.

In the grand scheme of the city, Luci was a tiny, insignificant speck. But in his heart, he was a king, celebrating a birthday filled with dreams, hope, and an unwavering spirit.
