Today is my birthday, I have no cake and I am not home

Today is my birthday, I have no cake and I am not home

Today is my birthday. My name is Bruno, and I am a golden retriever with a heart full of dreams. But instead of celebrating with joy, I find myself filled with sadness. There is no cake, and I am not home.

I remember the days when I was just a puppy, when every day felt like an adventure and there was always a loving hand to pet me. But those days seem so far away now. I’ve been in this shelter for a long time, waiting and hoping for someone to take me home. The shelter staff are kind and caring, but it’s not the same as having a family of my own.

As I lie here on my birthday, I can’t help but think about what it would be like to have a real celebration. I imagine a delicious cake, decorated just for me, and a home filled with laughter and love. I see myself playing in a yard, running after balls, and cuddling up on the couch with my new family. But today, those dreams feel distant.

The other dogs in the shelter have noticed my quiet demeanor today. They come over to nuzzle me, offering their silent support. It helps a little, but it doesn’t replace the warmth of a family. I watch the door, hoping that someone will walk in and see me, really see me, and decide to take me home.

Even though there is no cake and I am not home, I try to stay hopeful. I dream of a day when my birthday will be filled with joy and celebration. I imagine the moment when I finally walk out of the shelter and into the arms of a loving family who will care for me and make me feel special every day.

For now, I will hold on to those dreams and the kindness of the shelter staff. They make sure I have everything I need, even if it’s not the same as being with a family. They give me treats and extra pats, trying to lift my spirits.

Happy birthday to me, Bruno. Though I am without a cake and a home, I will continue to dream of the day when everything changes. I know that somewhere out there, my forever family is waiting for me, and when we finally find each other, all the birthdays that follow will be filled with love and happiness.
