I know I’m ugly so until now no one has wished me a happy birthday

I know I’m ugly so until now no one has wished me a happy birthday

Honey, a tiny, fluffy kitten with a spirit as bright as the sun, he was marked by a peculiarity – a slight swelling on his nose and forehead. A birth defect, they called it, a flaw that had earned him a cruel fate. Abandoned on his first day, he was left to fend for himself in a world that valued perfection.

Today was his first birthday, a milestone unnoticed by the world around him. There were no purrs of congratulations, no gentle strokes of affection, just the harsh reality of survival. He lived in a cardboard box, his sanctuary against the indifferent city. The world outside was a cacophony of sounds, a whirlwind of activity that left him feeling lost and alone.

His unique appearance had made him a target for ridicule. Children pointed and laughed, their cruelty a sharp sting in his small heart. Adults, too, were quick to look away, their discomfort a palpable barrier. He was a creature of shadows, existing on the fringes of society.

As the day wore on, hunger gnawed at his tiny body. The once playful kitten was now a shadow of his former self. The world was a harsh mistress, and he was a vulnerable prey. As night fell, he curled into a ball, his small body trembling. In the darkness, he dreamt of a warm lap, of gentle strokes, of a loving home. But when he woke, reality was a stark contrast to his dreams.

His birthday passed without notice, a silent marker in the relentless march of time. Honey was a survivor, a fighter, but the weight of abandonment and his physical difference was heavy on his small shoulders. Yet, in the depths of his kitten heart, there was a flicker of hope, a tiny flame that refused to be extinguished.
